Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Fall colors
New trees
It is hard to remember how warm it was last week when the city planted about 20 trees. The trees found their way to Highland Park when the city found that tree wells elsewhere had been filled with concrete. Thank you, Dennis Garvin, Commissioner of Parks and Forestry Division, for thinking of our park. Last month four of us walked through the park with Denny and among other issues, mentioned that some of the trees planted last year have been damaged or killed.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
HHNA to discuss park and more in August
On August 17, 6:30 p.m. at Toledo Heights Branch Library, the Highland Heights Neighborhood Association will discuss playground upkeep, pool removal, and mowing at Highland Park--as well as other neighborhood concerns. The approximately 1 hour meeting is open to the public . For more information, call 419-259-5207. (There is no July meeting.)
On August 4, 2-4 p.m., HHNA will help the Toledo Heights Branch Library celebrate its 75th anniversary. HHNA will host a table with information about our activities. Table volunteers are needed; please call Pauline at 419-259-5220.
Photos: A neighborhood family enjoys one of the new trees planted last year at Highland Park.
Two HHNA volunteers prepare the soil for planting at South and Airport. HHNA maintains three community flower gardens; the others are at Woodsdale and South and at the Highland Park sign.
HHNA bid farewell recently to Mary Chwialkowski, former manager of the Toledo Heights Branch Library. She is pictured here with HHNA member Don Mullen at the Highland Park Earth Day 2009.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
City takes action on problem properties
Photos: Highland Heights residents listen to Bob Mossing, manager of code enforcement for the City of Toledo, report on our Dirty Dozen list of nuisance properties.
Bob Mossing, manager of code enforcement for the City of Toledo, attended our meeting February 16 and provided an update on our Dirty Dozen list of problem properties. Mr. Mossing personally inspected every property on our list, and reported on each one during our meeting. He also brought detailed information about city action on 38 nuisance properties in our area. We commend Mr. Mossing for his responsiveness to our concerns about deteriorated properties and look forward to continued progress.
In addition to Mr. Mossing's report, we also expressed to Councilman Michael Collins, who attended the meeting, our the need for increased police patrols, the need to end continued stagnation of the Highland Park pools, and the need for street resurfacing in our areas, particularly South Avenue between Detroit and Airport.
Mr. Collins indicated that he would check the condition of South Avenue and see whether it can be slated for resurfacing, as the city will be increasing street repairs in the coming year. He noted that police staffing is low, thanks to city belt-tightening, and increased patrols seem unlikely. He is unsure what the fate of the Highland Park pools is but has noted that we do not want to see them stay empty and abandoned. Options include repairing and opening the pools (privately or publicly) or turning them into green space.
One of the attendees asked Mr. Collins about getting handicapped-accessible curbs on her street, and he said he would follow up to be sure this happened.
1425 South Ave. has been demolished. This property was at the top of our nuisance list, and we are pleased to say that it is gone.
1515 Wayne Street is in court.
723 Lodge is on the demolition list.
117 Ralph St. is in court.
501 S. Detroit; city has issued orders to repair and will add to demolition list in March if repairs are not made.
1120 South Ave. is on the demolition list.
171 Dale St.; city has issued orders to repair and will add to demolition list in March if repairs are not made.
1660 Wayne St. is on the demolition list.
535 Carlton; city has issued orders to repair and will add to demolition list in March if repairs are not made.
556 Carlton; city needs to reinspect
2424 Airport Hwy.; city has issued orders to repair and will add to demolition list in March if repairs are not made.
1642 Wayne St.; city has issued orders to repair.
1601, 1587 and 1585 Airline Ave. city has issued orders to repair.
--Reported by Carol Scheiber, Member Highland Heights Neighborhood Association.Thursday, February 4, 2010
Address concerns with city officials Feb. 16
All are welcome to attend our next meeting, Tuesday, February 16, 6:30pm at Toledo Heights Library. Bob Mossing of the city will be there to update us on our "Dirty Dozen" list of problem properties. City Councilman Michael D. Collins will be there to discuss the concerns raised during our candidate's night: Highland Park pools, street paving, police presence, and more.
--posted by Carol Scheiber, Member
--posted by Carol Scheiber, Member
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