On August 17, 6:30 p.m. at Toledo Heights Branch Library, the Highland Heights Neighborhood Association will discuss playground upkeep, pool removal, and mowing at Highland Park--as well as other neighborhood concerns. The approximately 1 hour meeting is open to the public . For more information, call 419-259-5207. (There is no July meeting.)
On August 4, 2-4 p.m., HHNA will help the Toledo Heights Branch Library celebrate its 75th anniversary. HHNA will host a table with information about our activities. Table volunteers are needed; please call Pauline at 419-259-5220.
Photos: A neighborhood family enjoys one of the new trees planted last year at Highland Park.
Two HHNA volunteers prepare the soil for planting at South and Airport. HHNA maintains three community flower gardens; the others are at Woodsdale and South and at the Highland Park sign.
HHNA bid farewell recently to Mary Chwialkowski, former manager of the Toledo Heights Branch Library. She is pictured here with HHNA member Don Mullen at the Highland Park Earth Day 2009.