Monday, November 5, 2012

Regular Litter Patrol

Litter Patrol at 9:00 a.m. the first and third Saturday morning of each month ... we gather at the triangle garden Airport and South Ave. Committee chairwoman Jamie will give you gloves, bags and instructions on areas to be cleaned this time. PLEASE come spend some time on a first or third Saturday and  make a difference in your neighborhood.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

How full the garden looks in September, compared to August's view! Rain really makes a difference. Six volunteers transplanted perennials and bushes, removed a crabapple tree, and dug up the canna lilies (lower 2 photos). We tried to leave some color for the end of the season viewing.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Triangle Garden August 2012

The cana lilies and annuals are not quite as proliferous as last year, but the garden still adds some color to the intersection of South and Airport. Next year the perennials will be better established because we'll transplant them this fall, not next May. The crab apple tree appears to be a low-growing variety. Many thanks to all the volunteers for watering and weeding! See previous post on the demolition of the swimming pool.

Good-bye Swimming Pool

On Friday, August 3, I went by the Highland Park pool, armed with a camera to take pictures of the Triangle Garden, and was pleasantly surprised to see bulldozers filling in holes where the pool had been. Within a few days, the pool buildings were gone, too. It is sad to see the end of the era when the city made deep water pools available to the public, but good to see our neighborhood rid of what had become a dangerous eyesore.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Painted Blue

Photos show Randy Nissen's crew of Global Youth Service Day volunteers from The Early College High School. They joined adults from HHNA and Burroughs Neighbohood Organization to pick up litter and spruce up the footbridge over Swan Creek in Highland Park. Follow this link for Randy's video. e

Special thanks to Eric Zern from BNO for his aid in painting and to Howard Abts for leading a walk to the zoo after helping with the litter pick up.

Monday, April 23, 2012

All Spruced Up

April 23, 2012 Over 50 students from Early College High School worked on painting the footbridge across Swan Creek and picking up litter from the park. You can tell by the paint on the footbridge that the event was light-hearted. Pictures will follow- some may show a little blue paint on faces! Thank you to all the students and to the city workers in the park that day planting trees to replace the young trees that died. Thanks to Don Mullen for organizing the painting, to Randy Nissen for volunteering his students, to Linda Pomeroy for sweeping litter from the South Ave. bridge, and to Howard Abts for leading litter scavengers bravely into the ditch by Champion.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Clean Up

April 21, 2012 Come join the fun from 9-11:30 a.m. at Highland Park as we clean up trash and paint the bridge. If our crowd of volunteers exceeds the work, we'll tackle the trash along Fearing viaduct, too. Bring gloves, wear old clothes, and we'll try to spruce things up.

Garden volunteers- thank you! Someone pulled last year's plants from the ground and put in spring bulbs. What a lovely surprise!

Update on the pool- Deputy Mayor Steve Herwat and Forestry and Recreation Commissioner Dennis Garvin toured some city pools last week and agreed that they all, and definitely Highland Park's pool, needed to be demolished soon. We'll keep you posted if we hear when this may get done.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring news

2012 Meeting dates:
March 27 - Forestry Department Commissioner Dennis Garvin will join us to answer questions about Highland Park pool's fate, and we'll plan the April park clean-up. Also, we'll discuss community gardens. Think about how to grow plants without using water from faucets.

April 24- Discussion of Highland Park skate park and painting a mural there.

May 22- Dirty Dozen report

If you are interested in improving recreational and natural facilities at Highland Park or Woodsdale Park, or have a neighborhood concern not covered by Burroughs Neighborhood Organization or Arlington Neighborhood Association, please attend our meetings. Like all community organizations, our members come and go, and we always welcome the ideas and energy of new people. Our boundaries are roughly Airport, Byrne, Glendale, and the Anthony Wayne Trail.