Following up on our first post, "Millions coming to South Toledo," we members of Highland Hts. Neighborhood Assn. encourage residents in the Burroughs School area and in the Highland Park area to post comments on this blog with the addresses of vacant or foreclosed homes. Or call Mary C. at the Toledo Heights Branch Library: 419-259-5220. Suggestions can be considered by our organization when we propose possible places for the city to invest. Learn more about the Neighborhood Stabilization Program by reading our brief posting about it (below) or by reading the more detailed description published by the Blade at: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090205/NEWS16/902050299. --Carol Scheiber, member
There are vacant houses at 915 and 1027 Wright Ave. They have both been vacant for2 1/2 to 3 years, but so far they don't appear to be vandalized.
ReplyDeleteThe Highland Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting notes will be posted and coming to your e-mail on Wednesday, March 11th.
ReplyDeletePlease attend the next meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 at the Toledo Heights Branch Library.
Mary Chwialkowski
Is the Airport Highway and South Avenue area considered Highland Heights area.
ReplyDeleteI have three houses on my street that are empty. I hesitate to list them here in fear they may become vandalized