Monday, April 27, 2009

Earth Fair brings South Toledo together for environmentalism

Thanks to the hard work of many people, most notably organizer Jason Gorr, Earth Fair, held at Highland Park Saturday, April 25, was a big success.

Blessed with warm sunny weather, several environmental and neighborhood groups hosted booths, including Highland Heights Neighborhood Association (HHNA). A steady stream of visitors brought electronics and paint for recycling and mercury thermometers for exchanging. Small groups toured the dam remediation project near the park footbridge. This dam project has created a healthier fish habitat in Swan Creek.

Several city officials and workers attended this positive event. Mayoral candidate Keith Wilkowski shook hands and talked to attendees.

In a lasting tribute to the positive energy of the day, the city planted seven new fruit and shade trees along the footpath and near the playground. HHNA has long advocated for shade trees near the playground; hats off to all who made this happen!

Stay abreast of environmental efforts in Toledo by visiting Kudos to all citizens, activists and city workers who contributed to the success of this day!

Photo: Top: Toledo Heights Librarian Mary Chwialkowski, Don Mullen and Linda Pomeroy--all active with HHNA--took part in Earth Day. The Toledo Heights Branch Library also hosted a table.
--Story and photos by Carol Schuck Scheiber

1 comment:

  1. One of the more interesting aspects of the fair in the late afternoon was the increase of skate park traffic trying to work around our exhibits in their play space. The mood of the skate boarders was slightly annoyed. Perhaps we at the tables could have apologized and introduced ourselves. At any rate, the social mixing was a little educational for both groups.
